Sierra Natural Science 209 Systemic Pesticide Concentrate repels and kills spider mites, broad mites, russet mites, root aphids, gnat larvae, fungus gnats, white flies, cabbage maggots, and most boring insects.
How Sierra Natural Science 209 Works
Spider mites, White flies, Nematodes, Scales and other insects destroy plant cells by sucking out their fluids or chewing up the cell walls. SNS-209's unique formula works by allowing the plant to uptake a small amount of rosemeric acid from the rosemary plant. As the plant distributes the rosemeric acid throughout its cell walls, a barrier is soon constructed. When an insect starts to suck or chew on the plant it comes in contact with the rosemeric acid and causes the insect to stop eating and move on.
Sierra Natural Science 209 Advantages
The first advantage is long term control. A foliar application of an insecticide is constantly exposed to the elements. Rainfall, irrigation and sunlight all play a part in the dilution of the insecticide. A systemic product is protected by the elements because it remains inside the plant's leaves, stems or blades. The second advantage of systemic insecticides over conventional insecticides is that the entire plant is protected from attack by insects, grubs, mites. Root systems, stems and leaf portions of the plant all contain a small amount of SNS-209, not just the leaf surface.
Sierra Natural Science 209 Uses
SNS-209 Systemic Insect Control can be used on a wide variety of plants, vegetables, and even trees. SNS-209 Systemic Insect Control can be used on fruits, vegetables, and plants including apples, apricots, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cherries, chives, corn, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, parsley, fuchsia, roses, flowers, houseplants, etc. Applying SNS-209 is easy, adding it every time you water or fertilize. Just 2 mL per liter is enough to start giving your plants the protective edge against insects. Over the course of several days of adding SNS-209 to your water or fertilizer regiment, your plants will accumulate rosemary (rosemeric acid) throughout the plant. As the insects try to draw out any fluids, it will not taste the same and they will leave. You will notice that the insects will stay away from this plant as they try to find another.
Note: Discontinue using SNS-209 in the water or fertilizing regiment one to two weeks before harvest and allow the rosemary to flush out of your plants naturally.
Sierra Natural Science 209 Systemic Pesticide Concentrate Benifits:
- Protects your plant from roots to whole plant
- Can be use up to Harvest (0-Day REI)
- Can be used for organic production, & is EPA Exempt FIFRA 25(b)
- Safe around children & pets when used as directed
How to mix our Sierra Natural Science 209 Systemic Pesticide Concentrate
Soil Drench: Shake well before mixing. Mix ?_ oz. per gallon of water. Thoroughly drench affected and surrounding areas.
Foliar Spray: Mix 1oz. per gallon of water. Spray foliage to the point of runoff.
Row Crops: Mix 2-6 quarts per acre. Feed solution onto the root area every time you water until infestation reduces.